by Center Pensées | Psychological assessment
Center de thérapie pour Français Le Bilan psychologique : Une clé pour se comprendre Much more than numbers The assessment of intellectual efficiency, carried out using the WISC (for children) and WAIS (for adults) scales, is much more...
by Center Pensées | Introversion
Therapy Center for French I'm an introvert ...and it's OK! "For a long time, I thought introversion was a flaw. That I had to talk more, go out more, love crowds... But over time, I've come to understand that my energy is recharged...
by Center Pensées | Resilience
Therapy Center for French Focus on : Resilience Life confronts us all with trials and tribulations: a romantic breakup, a failure, a difficult transition... But why do some people manage to overcome these moments and even come out of them stronger...
by Center Pensées | Wellness
We're delighted to introduce a new product that's very close to our hearts: the Centre Pensées Therapy Notebook. This unique aid has been designed by our team of psychologists and therapists with care and expertise to support you throughout your...
by Center Pensées | Back to school
NEW START NEW MOMENTUM! After a well-deserved summer break, the Centre Pensées de Barcelone team is back, ready to accompany you into the new season of well-being and serenity! In this new season, we have a...