French Center for Psychotherapy in Barcelona

EMDR therapies

Therapies EMDR in Barcelona

EMDR is a sensory stimulus desensitization techniqueThis is usually achieved by eye movement, but can also be achieved by auditory stimulation. The aim of EMDR is to re-establish a link between the patient and events in his or her past that have led to a psychological disorder, discomfort or situation that seems difficult to cope with.

Usually lasting about an hour and a half, the EMDR therapy seeks to diminish, attenuate or, in some cases, completely eradicate an unpleasant event anchored in the memory. Gradually and methodically, the therapist determines the patient's level of discomfort - or comfortability - by guiding him or her through the exercise. The therapy helps treat the following psychological disorders in particular:

  • PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
  • anguish and anxiety, panic attacks
  • Addictions
  • Nutritional problems
  •  Social discomfort

Through the therapist's professional and enlightened guidance, the sessions EMDR can be done in the psychology office or online.

EMDR is recommended by health authorities (WHO, HAS) and is conducive to emotional healing.

person showing green and black eyelid closeup photography
person showing green and black eyelid closeup photography

The stages of EMDR therapy at Centre Pensées in Barcelona

  1.  Before embarking on the desensitization phase proper, the therapist needs to get to know the patient through several preparatory appointments (2 to 3). During these preliminary appointments, not only the reasons for the consultation, but also the family, cultural and social background will be discussed, so that the therapist can get to grips with the problem in the best possible way.
    Then it's time to draw up a schedule for future sessions. You'll tackle all the upcoming phases of therapy, building a small mental space that will welcome you during the coming sessions.
  2. Once the problem has been clearly defined during the initial sessions, the next stages of EMDR therapy will see the implementation of desensitization. The therapist takes control of the situation by placing the patient in context, guiding him or her through the various stages and stimuli, and frequently evaluating the response in order to remain in the ideal context.
    The traumatic elements are discussed until desensitization takes place and the patient gradually feels detached from the traumatic experience.
  3. During the third phase of the session, a reassessment of needs takes place to determine the effectiveness of the session, and whether or not further therapy is required. The number of therapies required to bring about an alleviation or detachment of trauma varies greatly from patient to patient.

English Speaking Therapy Center in Barcelona

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Ronda de Sant Antoni, 86 08001 Barcelona

930 31 38 88