Online payment

Thoughts I French Therapy Center in Barcelona

Therapy at the Pensées Center

If you encounter a “CAPTCHA” problem

– Reload the page

- Do not access this page in private browsing 

– Try payment again. If you still encounter a problem, please pay by transfer to the IBAN found at the bottom of your invoice

If you have payment problems

Errors may appear when you attempt a payment, generally in the following cases

  • There is an error on one or more digits, CCV or expiration date
  • The CB does not have sufficient funds or the bank does not authorize the payment
  • The email entered is invalid
  • The amount is invalid (to insert an amount with decimal, use the period and not the comma)
  • Unauthorized characters were used in the fields (example: &$€*£/?, etc.)
  • Too long a delay occurred between page loading and payment

If the problem persists after checking all these points, open this page in a new browser (eg: Firefox if you were using Safari or Chrome, and vice versa) and try the payment again. If the problem persists, please pay by transfer to the IBAN found at the bottom of your invoice 

English Speaking Therapy Center in Barcelona

Contact a therapist by filling in the form below

Ronda de Sant Antoni, 86 08007 Barcelona

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